Talk outline: Ezra 7-10 Word restored Ch 7 - Seeing God's hand at work Ch 8 - The word of God returns Ch 9 - The word of God convicts…
Talk outline: Ezra 3-6 Worship restored Ch 3 - Worship first, build second. Ch 4 - Discernment is needed. Ch 5 - Be ready to explain your actions. Ch 6…
Sermons notes: Romans 13:8-14 Debt & Dress Living with the perpetual debt (vs 8-10) Knowing and following the dress code (vs 11-14)
Sermon Notes - The letter of Jude - Contending for the Gospel Their call to contend. (vs 1-3) Why was it urgent ? (v4) What did they need to remember…
Sermon Notes - Wrapping up 2023 January – April May – August September - December
Talk notes: Psalm 146 - A Prayer of Praise Do we only sing when we’re winning? How much do we trust in princes? Where can we see the Lord’s power…
Talk notes: 1 Kings 18 - The Great Contest - which is the real God? Who is your dance partner? (18:1-21) Ahab? Obadiah? The people of Israel? How should we…
Talk notes: Galatians 5:16-25 The Fruit of the Spirit Why does Paul use the image of fruit? What do each of the nine aspects involve? How do they apply to…
Sermon Notes - Exodus 21:28-36 & 24:1-11 The Mosaic Covenant The Book (20:22- 23:33) Its relevance to us The Altar (24:1 - 11) Its relevance to us