Special events and services

Prayer Breakfast Saturday 7 September 8.30-9.30am- please register here

Late Summer Picnic & Tennis Sunday 8 September 12.30-3pm at the Surbiton Hill Methodist Tennis Club, 11-13 Manor Drive.  All welcome.  Use of 2 tennis courts, on-site parking and facilities.

EMCC walk and pub dinner Saturday 21 September (timings TBC).  Details and registration coming soon.

Harvest Lunch Sunday 6 October following the service.  Please register for lunch here.  We will also be collecting food for the Kingston Foodbank during the service.  Please check here for items most in need by the Foodbank.

Emmanuel Quiz Saturday 2 November- details coming soon.

Hope Explored and Christianity Explored are  free courses are for anyone seeking to know more about the Christian faith and the hope that can be found in Jesus.  Hope Explored is a 3-session course looking at the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, the giver of hope while Christianity Explored is a 7-session course looking at the basics of Christianity.  We normally run these courses in person, in a local home but we can also run them online.

Please contact the office if you want to know more about any of these special events or courses- office@emmanueltolworth.org.uk.

The Regular Services and Events at Emmanuel

Sunday mornings each week we meet for our service at 10.30am.  There is an opportunity to meet to pray for the service each week 10.10-10.20am- all welcome to join in.  Refreshments are served in the hall following the service.   Our services are live-streamed so still available to watch remotely for those who wish. You can access our online service here.   During the summer, there are no formal groups for children or young people during the summer but the service will be shown on a large screen in the hall if you would prefer a less-quiet space and there are service packs at the back of church for children to use if they wish.

Prayer Focus take place in the hall at Emmanuel on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 8pm.  Please do join us when you are able.  

Oasis is our bi-weekly, mid-week group for people over 60 years.  The group meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at 2.30pm in the hall for puzzles, quizzes, short Bible talks or presentations, tea and cake.  Please contact the office if you want to know more.  All welcome to come along.

Home Groups are meeting in person, at various times so please contact your Home Group leader for details.  If you are not currently in a Home Group and would like to talk with someone about joining one, please contact the office.

Cross Train meets on Friday evenings 7-8.30pm; a group for young people ages 10-14 to come together, have fun, talk about Jesus and play games.  You can find out more about Cross Train here.

If you are new to Emmanuel and/or have been attending our services for a while, please complete this short contact form.

Please contact the office (office@emmanueltolworth.org.uk / 020 8390 2372) if you have any questions about any of our events or services.

Please note:  We want to help those who have difficulties in engaging with the service for any reason, eg sight or hearing problems. Do please ask someone on hand if you need help or contact the church office and we will do our best to provide assistance.