

Pathfinders is the Sunday morning group for young people in school years 7 to 9 (age 11 to 14). The group meets in the Pathfinder room, at the front of the Church, during the 10.30am morning service, after having spent some time together with the whole Church Family in the service. On the first Sunday on each month, they also stay in the church for the full Service.  

Pathfinders is lead by Chris Bruce, Emmanuel’s Youth and Children’s Minister, and a team of helpers. On a typical Sunday they will play games and study the Bible together in an age appropriate way. They follow a set syllabus each week and would love to let you know what they learned during your lunch.


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Cross Train

A weekly meeting for youth aged 10-14, where friends come together to have fun, talk about Jesus and play games, where adult leaders build relationships that reflect Christ and create an open space for all questions about life, faith, and everything else.

Come join us every Friday night from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. We do ask that everyone fills in a registration form, which can be downloaded and printed out, or filled in online HERE.

We also have paper copies available at Emmanuel Church.  The paper copy need to be signed by a parent/guardian, the online forms will be printed and available for signing  at Cross Train.