The Parable of the Sower: Matthew 13:1-23 Why did Jesus speak in parables? There are 2 kinds of people Those who hear and understand. Those who hear and don't understand.…
Matthew 4:18-25 Leave Follow Fish
Sermon Notes-Matthew 4:12-17 Jesus’ Identity Jesus’ Mission Jesus’ Call to Repent
Sermon Points - Matthew 3:13-4:11 The baptism & temptation of Jesus Jesus is baptised Jesus is tested Jesus is our model
Sermon Notes - Matthew 3:1-12 Real Repentance False Repentance Repentance and Being Washed
Matthew 2:13-23 The people are still in exile The exil is... The exil is...
Matthew 2:1-12 We see the manifestation of Christ (Epiphany to the Gentiles) Jesus is our King Our response is to put our trust in Him
Sermon - Matthew 1:18-25 - Not Just a Baby Jesus which means God saves Immanuel which mean God with us
Sermon: Matthew 1:12-17 – Jesus is the fulfilment of God’s promises Jesus came from unknown people. Jesus came to people as promised. Jesus came to adopt people into his family.
Talk notes: Matthew 1:6-11 - The Genealogy of Jesus / The Son of David The Promise of an eternal Kingship The Promise of the Divine King Jesus, the Son of David