Jonah 3- God is the God of many choices Motive First Chance Second Chance Our Chance Message Nineveh’s Chance Our Chance Marvel Jesus versus Jonah Peter’s Chance Our Chance
Sermons notes: Romans 9:1-13 Questions to consider: Who is in the family of the church? How do people join that family? How do we feel about the people outside the family…
Order of Service Service leader: Bart Erlebach Welcome Song: Thine be the glory risen conquering Son Church Family news Sermon part 1: Unexpected, Chris Bruce Bible reading 1: John 20:1-2,…
Sermon Points - Matthew 3:13-4:11 The baptism & temptation of Jesus Jesus is baptised Jesus is tested Jesus is our model
Sermon: Matthew 1:12-17 – Jesus is the fulfilment of God’s promises Jesus came from unknown people. Jesus came to people as promised. Jesus came to adopt people into his family.
Talk notes: 1:15b-2:9 (page 948) The Problem (v3) The first encouragement based on the past (v4-5) The second encouragement based on the future (v6-9)
James 3:13-18 - Two kinds of wisdom What is wisdom? - Verse 13 Worldly Wisdom – Verses 14-16 Wisdom from God – Verses 17,18
All Age Service - Exodus 20:1-21 - The Ten Commandments Before the 10 Commandments The 10 Commandments After the 10 Commandments Therefore Spend Time with God Read your Bible
Sermon notes – Commissioning CYM leaders Supporting and encouraging parents Ephesians 6:1-4 Be diligent teachers together - 1 Timothy 4:4-11 Live daily for Christ - 1 Timothy 4:15-16 Be faithful in prayer,…