Service Order:WelcomeSong – God Speaks we listen All Age slot – animated video Children and Young People to JAM and Pathfinders One year on – lamentSong: Great is thy faithfulness Hero of the Faith: Cara Rodger speaking…
Service Order:Welcome Mothering Sunday Song: Lost is found All Age SlotJAM and Pathfinders to Zoom groups Prayers: Brian and Joan Mayhew CreedBrian’s Hero of the faithReading: Joan Mayhew Sermon Song: We have this treasure from the Lord our God Closing…
Service Order:Song: Light of the world Welcome BirthdaysSong: 1,2,3,4,5 Jesus Christ is now alive All age slot JAM out (Pathfinders stay in) Reading: Genesis 22:1-19 Teresa CooperKip’ Chelashaw’s Hero of the Faith Prayers – Phil and Teresa Cooper Reading: Hebrews 11:17-22 Sermon  Song: I…
Hebrews 11v13-16Where is your home? We have not yet received the things promised. v13Ourselves:The World: We are strangers in the world. V13-15Long for the heavenly country. v16