Revelation 19:11-21, The Rider on the White Horse
26th September 2021

Revelation 19:11-21, The Rider on the White Horse

Passage: Revelation 19:11-21
Service Type:

Order of Service

Welcome & opening prayer

Song:  Hold the power of the universe in Your hand

All age slot: Memory Verse, Psalm 119:105

Church family news 


Prayers & Lord’s Prayer: Max Pudney

Song: There is a Redeemer Jesus God’s own Son

Reading: Revelation 19:11-21, Robin Walpole

Sermon: The rider on the white horse, Bart Erlebach

Song: There is a fountain filled with blood

Closing prayer


Sermon points 

Revelation 19:11-21, The Rider on the White Horse


What are your snapshots of Jesus?

Remember who the original readers were being persecuted by

  1. Be in awe of the Rider on the White Horse v11-16
  2. Take courage- the battle is a Total Mismatch! v17-21