Sermon Notes - Romans 5:1-11 Joy comes from faith Joy comes from the gospel Joy comes from peace with God Joy comes from our hope of the glory of God
Sermon notes: Exodus 28: 1-43 God is holy - mankind is not The High Priest was dressed to live To come before God we must be properly dresses Jesus is…
Sermon points – Judges 19-21 1. Hospitality to horror We mustn't pick and choose which sins we hate We must hate our own sin 2. Civil War - Israel vs…
Sermon points Luke 19: 11–27 The Parable of the King’s Servants It’s not about gifts – it’s about investments We all get the same to invest – the Gospel Investing…
Sermon Notes- Jesus our King, Psalm 2 We have a King God's Anointed One - Jesus Christ We hate the King The only way to become a friend of God…