
For P4 and QRS

Emmanuel Church would like to continue to send you information about P4 and QRS and in order to do this, we have to keep some of your personal data (name, email and contact number) in electronic form.  New Data Protection Regulations coming into force on May 25th require us to obtain your agreement in order to do this.

Please could you take a minute to complete the consent form below.  By consenting you are also permitting us to keep some personal data of your child/young person who attends one of these groups (name, d.o.b and school year) in electronic and paper form.

If at any time in the future you wish to amend this consent, please email the Emmanuel Church office:

Emmanuel Church will never share your data with a third party.

Emmanuel’s Privacy Policy is available here

Many thanks for your help.

P4 and QRS Consent

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